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Cafagna, Ashley Lyn

Caffrey, Stephen 

Caine, Howard acted in over 750 live and film TV shows. 

Calhoun, Cynthia vocalist and actress.

Callaghan, Jeremy credits include Police Rescue, GP and Xena.

Callan, K

Callard, Rebecca a page on the British actress.

Callis, James 

Caloz, Michael pictures and info about the young film star from Montreal.

Cameron-Bure, Candace 

Campbell, Christian includes pictures, links, filmography, and biography. 

Campbell, Scott Michael

Canary, David

Candy, John 

Canutt, Yakima tribute to the pioneer stuntman, silent movie and rodeo star.

Capshaw, Kate with brief biography and filmography.

Cardellini, Linda

Cardenas, Steven

Carides, Gia

Carlson, Krissy

Carmello, Carolee

Carradine, David

Carrera, Barbara 

Carson, Jean 

Carter, Glenn official fan page with CDs, interviews, pictures and more.

Carter, Linda 

Cartwright, Veronica official site.

Caruso, David pictures, bio, interviews and fanfiction.

Carver, Brent

Case, Sharon 

Castelluccio, Federico plays Furio Giunta in The Sopranos. 

Caudell, Tornan includes film credits and pictures.

Cavanaugh, Christine the voice artist behind the pig from Babe. 

Cerasoli, Lisa

Cerveris, Michael

Chakiris, George

Chakraborty, Mithun includes profile and filmography. 

Chan, Bryan unofficial Bryan Chan fan club. Offers profile, pictures, and articles.

Chan, Priscelia includes biodata, picture gallery, news archives, and more.

Chandler, Shannon 

Chapman, Ben official site of the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Charles, Craig

Charles, Josh provides background, pictures, news, and filmography for this actor known for his work on Sports Night. 

Chase, Charley (1893-1940) includes reviews, video clips, and background on this silent film comedian.

Chase, Will

Chau, Francois featuring a filmography, biography and images. 

Cheng, Adam includes biography, photos, filmography, and more.

Cheng, Ekin 

Chestnut, Morris movie credits. 

Cheyne, Hank

Chinlund, Nick


Choi, Ji Woo pics, screensaver, links, and more.

Chokachi, David

Chong, Marcus with filmography, links & pics.

Chow, China links, news, photos, and more.

Chow, Kathy 

Christensen, Erika 

Christopher, Dennis

Christopher, Gerard official site including biography, photos, and filmography.

Cigliuti, Natalia

Clark, Candy

Clark, Christie portrayer of Carrie Reed from Days of Our Lives. 

Clarkson, Lucy

Clary, Robert see his paintings, hear his music.

Cleveland, Carol dedicated to Carol Cleveland, the seventh member of the Monty Python troupe. 

Close, Del memorial to the legendary comedy pioneer.

Coale, Sydney

Cochrane, Rory

Cohen, Nicole Ann a comedic actress, demonstrates her unique off-beat, Generation X style with celebrity impressions, online improvisation, and much more.

Cohen, Scott

Cole, Gary

Cole, Stephanie British actress best known in the states as Diana in Waiting For God.

Colicos, John

Colin, Gregoire 

Collin, Maxime biography, filmography, and pictures of this young Canadian actor.

Collins, Stephen actor-writer's own site, with his personal appearances schedule, rare photos, complete bio and other goodies. 

Conant, Abbie describes the music theater of William Osborne and Abbie Conant and their advocacy for women in music.

Conaway, Jeff

Connery, Jason 

Conway, Tim 

Cooper, Kimberly bio, pictures, news, and more. 

Corbett, Michael official site.

Corbin, Barry biography, pictures, video and sound clips and more.

Corbin, Virginia Lee (1910-1942) dedicated to the silent movie star.

Corday, Mara

Corry, Peter includes pics, bio, articles, links, news, and more.

Cort, Bud 

Coughlan, Marisa includes biography, gilmography, articles, and links.

Coulier, Dave actor/comedian from TV's Full House and America's Funniest People.

Court, Alyson

Court, Hazel

Cousens, Peter actor and musical theatre performer. 

Coyote, Peter actor/writer/narrator.

Craig, Tony includes exclusive set photos, postcards, and interviews.

Crampton, Barbara dedicated to the beautiful and talented actress. 

Crawford, Johnny child actor best known for his role as Mark McCain on The Rifleman.

Crawford, Louise photos and filmography of Breakers actress. 

Criste, Mirla Miss Saigon original Broadway cast member.

Crivello, Anthony

Cromwell, James

Crosby, Cathy Lee

Cross, David 

Crudup, Billy

Cruz, Alexis

Cruz, Donna offers music, discography, television, and movie credits.

Cruz, Sheryl 

Csokas, Maton

Culp, Robert

Cummings, Jim voice behind the cartoon characters such as Darkwing Duck, Don Karnage, Winnie the Pooh etc.

Cuneta, Sharon

Cunningham, Liam 

Czerny, Henry RealAudio interview with this Canadian actor. 

D'Arcy, Jan 

Dalle, Beatrice 

Daly, Tyne

Damian, Michael portrayer of Danny on TV's The Young and the Restless.

Dance, Charles 

Dangerfield, Rodney

Daniel, Brittany from Jessica Wakefield on Sweet Valley High to Eve on Dawson's Creek, this site has loads of information on Brittany Daniel.

Daniel, Castle including his albums, movies, profile, postcards and more.

Daniels, Gary official site. Includes photos, martial arts training, and biography.

Daniels, Victor the original cinema Tonto.

Danning, Sybil

Danson, Jane pictures, links, and information about the British Coronation Street actress. 

Darr, Lisa 

Davidovich, Lolita 

Davidson, John contains photos, biography, news, and more. 

Davies, Marion (1897-1961) silent and talkie comedienne and movie star of the 1920s and 1930s. She was also a philanthropist and was the loving companion of William Randolph Hearst for 30 years. 

Davison, Peter 

De Carlo, Yvonne filmography for the actress. 

de los Reyes, Kamar 

de Vries, Peter R. well-known Dutch T.V. crimefighter.

Deakins, Lucy 

DeFore, Don 

Del Arco, Johnathan

Del Boca, Andrea 

DeLisle, Grey singer, songwriter, and actress.

Delon, Alain

DeLorenzo, Michael

DeLuise, Dom official web site contains Dom's cookbooks, cooking videos, children's books, and official gifts.

Demarest, William

DeMoss, Darcy

Dempsey, Patrick

Denier, Lydie official site. Includes biography, pictures, and TV and film appearances.

Denisof, Alexis photos, biography, and news on this Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel actor. 

DePaiva, Kassie

Depardieu, Gerard 

Des Barres, Michael

DeStefano, Ron informational site for the musical theatre performer.

Detten, Erik von 

DeWitt, Joyce

Dey, Susan

Diamond, Dustin 

Dickens, Kim info site, filmography, bio, pics and more.

Dickson, Barbara 

Dietz, Michael

Digart, Uschi popular pin up model from the '60s who starred in several Russ Meyer films. 

Dionisio, Ma-Anne played Kim in the Toronto and Sydney companies of Miss Saigon.

Divoff, Andrew official site for the actor that portrayed the Wishmaster in the Wishmaster films.

Dixson, Alice includes career history, photo gallery, and latest news.

Dobson, Peter includes a biography, photos, and more. 

Donovan, Elisa

Donovan, Lisa actress, singer, comedienne, and dancer. 

Dorman, Vanessa 

Douglas, Sarah 

Doyle, Jerry

Doyle, Richard

Drago, Billy 

Droukarova, Dinara

Dryer, Fred

Duchêne, Deborah

Duff, Denice official site of the star of the SubSpecies Vampire series.

Duffy, Karen

Duffy, Patrick renowned actor, comedic performer, and theatre director.

Dugger, Florrie 

Duncan, Rachel

Dunn, Carolyn star of CBS's long running series "Sweating Bullets".

Dunne, Dominique biography and tribute. 

Duval, James

Ead, George 

Eccleston, Christopher 

Eder, Linda official site. Photos, biography, concert dates, and more. 

Egan, Susan features biography, touring information, press kit, recordings, filmography, and more.

Eguro, Marie

Eigenberg, David

Ekberg, Anita devoted to the 1950's film sexbomb.

El Atrache, Farid (?-1974) Egyptian composer, lute player, singer, and movie star.

Eldard, Ron

Eldredge, John 

Elliott, Alison 

Elliott, Sam from the Internet Movie Database, including a filmography and short biography.

Elson, Donald and Valerie character actors. 

Enberg, Alexander

Englund, Robert if you only know him as Freddy Krueger, please seee this site.

Epps, Omar

Erickson, Dean

Eriksen, Kaj-Erik

Ermey, R. Lee

Erwin, Bill 

Estrada, Erik news, photos, biography, and more.

Evan, Robert

Evans, Josh Ryan plays the character of Timmy on Passions. 

Evigan, Greg you may remember him from such TV shows as "BJ and the Bear", "My Two Dads", and "Tekwar".